Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday Garden Update: October 18th 2011

The seedlings are coming! The seedlings are coming! I'm very excited about our fall garden right now. The weather has been gorgeous, and as a result lots of the seedlings are coming up. The spinach was sprouting last week, and more of our seeds have joined in! Here are our carrots:

The beets are coming up as well. Looks like we need to do a little thinning of these!

My broccoli transplants are under attack.. we put out some organic slug deterrent but it doesn't seem to be helping yet.

Here are the snow peas, growing where the acorn squash was trellised. They are off to a great start!

Finally, here are our tomatoes, still going strong. We are continuing to pick, process and use these as much as we can, though my freezer is pretty full right now!

How is your fall garden? I'd love to hear what's happening in your garden right now.

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