Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Gift

Extravagant birthday gifts are not in out budget, but for my recent birthday, my husband wanted to get something for me. Now, I'm not much into jewelry or fancy stuff, so naturally he was leaning towards practical items. Maybe something for the computer, or the kitchen. We've been wanting one of those large, oval porcelain coated cast iron dutch ovens (mine is almost overflowing sometimes!) but the price tag was just too high for our current budget.

Instead, I ended up with some clothing. Oh, not normal, everyday clothing. I got a chef's jacket! As you might have guessed, I cook a lot. Even with an apron, I am always getting grease, food, whatever I'm cooking on my clothes. To save me from destroying my regular clothes, this was the perfect answer. It wasn't a lot of money, but the price is well worth it for me. This morning, I'm cooking chicken for tonight's soup, plus sausage and whole grain waffles for breakfast, and I'm not worrying about my clothing. It's a perfect gift! Don't expect to see me on the next episode of Iron Chef, though!

Thanks and love to my family, who I love cooking for!

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